All of us—regardless of profession, sector, or circumstance—have experienced the power of storytelling. And many of us have been compelled to action for causes and organizations because of stories that resonated on an emotional level.

The Meyer Foundation, a leading supporter of locally-focused nonprofit organizations serving the Washington, DC region, is currently recruiting two Program Officers to join our team.

We are pleased to announce the official launch of the Meyer Foundation’s first-ever online community forum. Over the next two weeks, we invite you to participate in a conversation that will help us refine our strategic plan and ensure that Meyer’s goals and direction align with our broader community’s vision for the future.

Twelve months ago, I began my leadership of the Meyer Foundation and spent my first several months listening to and learning from many of you about the critical issues facing our community. 

Danielle M. Reyes is leaving the Meyer Foundation this month after serving as a key member of the Foundation’s program staff since 2002.

The Children Fleeing Violence Fund, a collaborative grantmaking effort established by the Meyer Foundation, has awarded a first round of four grants totaling $130,000 to organizations that serve young people living in the DC region after fleeing violence in Central America.

At its May 7 meeting, the Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer Foundation board of directors approved 82 grants totaling $3.4 million in the Foundation’s four program areas of Education, Healthy Communities, Economic Security, and a Strong Nonprofit Sector.

The board of directors of the Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer Foundation has elected Dr. Charlene M. Dukes, president of Prince George’s Community College, to a three-year term on the Foundation’s board, beginning in March 2015.

The board of directors of the Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer Foundation has elected Michael N. Harreld, regional president of PNC Bank for the Greater Washington Area, to a three-year term on the Foundation’s board, beginning in January 2015.

It’s hard for me to fathom that six months have already passed since I joined the Meyer Foundation.  During that time, I’ve been committed to listening and learning as much as I could—about Meyer and the team here, about all of you and your work, about the issues and challenges facing low-income people in our region, and about the opportunities to work collectively to have an even greater positive impact on their lives and well-being.